Welcome to B&B's Exclusive Community!

If you landed on this page, then thank you and also, you’re f*cking smart. 

This means you have chosen to join The Unfiltered: Our exclusive community that aims to spark conversations on all topics - controversial or not, that fall within the health/wellness, music, art, entrepreneurial, travel, lifestyle goods, beauty/skincare or mental health categories. Bonus: you’ll also get first access to new products/brands that we launch and exclusive events.

While we know that you can spend hours sitting on Twitter or Reddit engaging with a bunch of random people on a plethora of random topics ; we also know that there is a need for a platform that embraces passionate, creative and forward thinkers and allows for the opportunity to connect, support, inspire and discuss the things that go a bit deeper than what is on the surface. 

The Unfiltered is intended to make those of us who desire or aspire for a more passionate life to feel a little less alone and more supported. It is a community that seeks to make conversations a little less mundane and connection a little less basic. 

While we will be here to moderate and ensure that no bots or spammers get involved, the community and success of The Unfiltered is entirely up to all of you. We ask that you join and use the platform as your daily escape, your daily inspiration and your daily platform to connect with others and to continue to take risks to chase your dreams and passions.


Be kind, be a little chaotic, and be unfiltered.

Welcome and we can’t wait to hang out with you.
